Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Daunting Paperwork,Tests and Other To-Dos

With our March deadline for completion fast approaching, it seems like we aren't going to hit that mark. Typically I try to control things and make sure we are on target but during this process, we have run into small detours that have caused us some delay. Most of this is financial due to us trying to stick to a very strict budget to make us more financially secure. Through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, we are eliminating our debts one by one. It is a freeing feeling but also frustrating as we have to be so careful about where each dollar goes. We want to instill this methodical way of thinking in our children. I went off on a tangent. What I was trying to get at is that we need to give this to God. This is His timing, His glorious plan and His will.

We had a sermon at church today about answering God's call. One of the reason's that people fail to answer the call is that they feel they are too comfortable to do something that would disrupt their status quo. As I mentioned before, we are really comfortable. We are really happy with how our lives are but we still feel like there is room in our hearts and home. I am pretty sure that this will throw our lives into a loop but what do you think this has done to these kids in foster care? They have no control over what happens. We are honored that we can be a piece to their puzzle and hopefully show them what a happy, healthy and loving family is.

So slowly, but surely, we will get these tasks done and we will being the wait. Our hearts are prepared to love a little someone who we will call ours....if even for a little while.

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