Sunday, February 1, 2015

Stitching Our Quilt

Quilts signify warmth and comfort. Each tiny square is thoughtfully placed and carefully sewn to another making a masterpiece. Some quilts are made with the same color fabric while others are wonderfully and beautifully unique. Even if the colors are as diverse as a rainbow, they somehow find a way to make the quilt become one unified work of art that is held together through thread representing love and backed by one solid fabric representing God.

Some families share the same hue while other unions create shades from light to dark, though in God’s eyes, we are all family. Each person represents a small square that through love, finds itself forever stitched to the family held together by the strength of the Lord.

We are excited to start of our quilt. Each little patch will be lovingly and carefully stitched and will forever be part of our lives even if they are with us for a fleeting moment in time. We may end up with a quilt created with the same color or we could be a sewn with every color under the sun. God has already picked out our pieces so please pray for us while we find our patches and begin to create our wonderful, beautiful and unique masterpiece. 

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