Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Wait Begins

We are one step closer. June 12, 2015 was our official certification day.

While filling out the paperwork and finishing our classes, we prayerfully completed each task. My husband related it to a train that has started to roll out of the station and there isn't any stopping at this point. It was an interesting comment and so true. Our train has certainly left the station to an unknown destination. This is a scary prospect but also exciting. We don't know what peaks and valleys we will see on this journey. We will likely see some harsh realities of the world but we will also be able to see the glorious miracles. There is a chance that we will pick up a few passengers along the way that we will have to leave at another station but eventually, we will find the perfect fit for our train ride.

I find it fascinating how my heart has changed so much during this process. At first, I was leery about getting into foster care adoption because I was afraid of my heart breaking. I was so naive. Look at these children, whether they be a tiny baby or a older teenager who have been ripped from everything they know at no fault of their own and how their hearts are damaged. What about their hearts? Who is going to protect them? Seeing the  eyes of these children and learning their stories and bonding with other moms striving to help these kids has made me realize that my heart can take this. Yes, these stories try to rip at my heart and break it down but I will hold strong. We owe these kids the love and support that they so desperately desire and need. We always say that "someone" should take care of them. Well, I am here and I raise my hand to say, "I will be that someone. God, use me for the sake of these kids. Guide me, mold me and strengthen me to move down this path without fear. Help me to show grace and mercy to the parents who may not have had the best upbringing and don't know how to raise their own  kids. Grant me patience while we work to piece these children back together. God, hold our family close as our train barrels down the road of life and we welcome new guests into our lives. Thank you for putting this task on my heart."